Monday, April 7, 2008

Talking Point #7

Whites Swim in Racial Preference
By: Tim Wise

- Racial preference
- Affirmative action
- Segregation
- White American
- Inequalities
- Discrimination
- Advantages
- Privileges
- Schooling
- Economic status
- Race
- White preference
- Racist society

- Wise argues that white privilege is still in place today even though we try to act as if it is not. He also argues that ending affirmative action is premature because white privilege still exists.

- He says that white families are better off than minority families in the sense of how much money they make.
- Wise also states that at the University of Michigan more points are awarded to other categories that amount to preference for whites than they points awarded to minorities.
- Even students of color that are truely talented are unable to access the benefits of white because of their race.

- I don't really know how I feel about the article. I thought it was interesting. It was very easy to read. I was a bit surprised to find out that even with affirmative action in place, white are still privileged. Having said that, there is a part of that situation that I don't quite understand. If each person gets extra points just because of their race then what happens to the white child that has had to struggle very hard to get to where they are and then gets denied. I understand the premise of the affirmative action idea but, I don't think that it is fair. There are a lot of "minority" families that are much better off than some white families. Why should that person get more points? I just think that race and gender should not be questions that are asked on applications to make it more fair. But, I'm sure there is an argument out there against that too.

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